No longer a hassle, just a luxury. See services below.
Services Provided
General Pool and Spa Maintenance includes:
Water chemistry balancing
Vacuuming, skimming, brushing
Equipment inspections for proper operations
Filter backwashing
Empty skimmers, pump baskets, cleaner bags
Checking/repairing automatic cleaners
Consultation on basic operations
Additional Services and Repairs:
Pool equipment repair and replacement:
Automatic controllers and mechanical timers
Heater and heat pumps
Salt systems
Valves and plumbing
Suction and pressure leaks
Clogged lines
Equipment pad replacement
Code compliance
Pool inspections
General Pool Repairs:
Drain and clean
Leak detections and repair
Skimmer repair and/or replacement
Tile, coping and plaster repair
Equipment relocation
“While allowing someone to maintain your pool, it becomes a luxury rather than a chore.
– Compass Pool Service